
Sleep Disorders among Indian Children: Insights from a Multi-Center Study

Sleep Disorders among Indian Children: Insights from a Multi-Center Study

In today’s busy world, where there are lots of distractions and everyone’s schedule is full, making sure children get enough sleep can be tough.  Recent findings from a comprehensive multi-center study conducted across 10 hospitals in India have shed light on the prevalence of sleep disorders among Indian children. Dr. Srinivas Jakka, Senior Consultant Pediatrician and Pulmonologist at Ankura Hospital for Women and Children played a pivotal role in conducting this study.


Insights from a Comprehensive Multi-Center Study

The study, aimed at understanding the reality of ‘Sleep Disorders among Indian Children,’ focused on children aged 1-18 years visiting hospitals for minor ailments and immunizations. It involved over 2000 children, with detailed interviews conducted with parents to assess their sleep patterns and any associated issues.

The findings were surprising, revealing that a staggering 31.2% of children experienced inconsistent sleep timings between weekdays and weekends, and 28% did not receive adequate sleep. These results underscore both the prevalence of irregular sleep schedules and the impact of sleep deprivation on children’s overall well-being.

Various sleep disorders were identified across different age groups, including mouth breathing, bruxism (teeth grinding), sleep talking, snoring, restless sleep, nightmares, bedwetting, and more. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic further disrupted sleep patterns for 11.5% of the children, exacerbating an already concerning situation.

So, the combination of these sleep disorders and the additional impact of the pandemic has created significant challenges for children’s sleep health. Dr. Srinivas Jakka emphasized the evident reality of sleep disorders among Indian children and highlighted the challenges posed by modern lifestyle factors.


Signs of Sleep Problems

Parents should closely observe for signs of sleep problems in their children, such as:

  • Snoring
  • Breathing pauses during sleep
  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Difficulty staying asleep
  • Unusual events during sleep, like nightmares or sleepwalking
  • Consulting a pediatrician is advisable if any of these signs are observed.


Addressing Sleep Problems in Children

Early intervention is crucial to addressing sleep problems, positively impacting children’s overall health and development.

Children and adolescents require at least 9 hours of sleep every night.

However, a lack of sleep can lead to various negative effects such as accidents, behavior problems, mood disturbances, and impaired learning abilities.

Therefore, ensuring adequate sleep is essential for children’s well-being.


Tips for Improving Your Child’s Sleep

  • Setting a regular bedtime
  • Creating a relaxing bedtime routine
  • Ensuring a comfortable sleeping environment
  • Limiting stimulating activities before bed
  • Establishing screen-free bedtime routines



The increase in sleep problems among Indian children shows how important it is for everyone to know about and help with this issue. Dr. Srinivas Jakka talks about it in the Deccan Chronicle, giving useful advice for parents and caregivers. Moreover, consulting a pediatrician can provide essential guidance in ensuring children receive adequate sleep, which is essential for their overall health and development.

Reference Link: Sleep Disorders among Indian Children

Ankura Hospital
Author: Ankura Hospital

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