
High Risk Pregnancies


Although pregnancies are natural and routine, complications do arise from time-to-time. At Ankura Hospital, we understand the possible complications and advise expectant mothers accordingly. Various factors can contribute to high risk pregnancies – such as age; smoking, drinking and drugs; a prior medical history; certain genetic conditions; and multiple pregnancies. With state-of-the-art infrastructure and a dedicated team of specialists to assist high risk pregnancies, we remain fully committed to delivering the best of care to ensure we minimize and manage all the risks associated with your pregnancy.

Dr. Hema Prasanna
Dr. Pujitha Myneni
Dr. C. Jayashree Reddy
Dr. V P Jyotsna
Dr. Leena Das
Dr. Pankaj Sarode

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Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return any urgent calls.

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