
Breastfeeding Benefits for the Baby & Mother

Breastfeeding Benefits for the Baby & Mother

The benefits of breastfeeding are innumerable for both mother’s and child’s health, and it flourishes the baby with the necessary nutrition and supports the growth of the immune system. On the other hand, lactating mothers get several health benefits, including a reduced chance of heart disease, cervical cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer. Some women avoid breastfeeding their infants, which is not a good idea. The World Health Organization (WHO) advises breastfeeding a baby for two years as doing so incorporates benefits, and WHO also recommends breastfeeding a newborn within an hour following delivery. 

Although it is a personal choice only you may make, there are countless advantages you should know! Before you decide, let’s go through all the benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom and Baby

Benefits of Breastfeeding for baby

  • Provides ideal nutrition for baby

Breast milk is the best source of nourishment for babies. Most medical practitioners at the best women & child care hospitals advise breastfeeding exclusively for at least six months and preferably up to 2 years. 

Breast milk provides all the nutrients a newborn needs in the right amounts for the first six months of life. It comprises several components based on the baby’s varying demands, particularly during the first month. 

Your breasts generate colostrum, a thick, yellowish fluid, right after giving birth. It is low in sugar, high in protein, and has a lot of healthful nutrients. It is an authentic miracle food that cannot be replaced by formula. 

Colostrum is the most significant first milk because it helps the infant’s digestive system develop effectively. The breasts produce more milk as the baby’s tummy grows after the first few days. Your excellent milk may be vitamin D deficient. Breast milk won’t supply enough unless you consume much of it (which most people don’t). Drops of vitamin D are typically advised for newborns.

  • Necessary Antibodies are Present in Breast Milk.

According to pediatric doctors, in those vulnerable early months, the antibodies produced in breast milk are essential for assisting your baby in fending against viruses and bacteria. This is especially true with colostrum, the first milk. Numerous antibodies, including immunoglobulin A, are present in colostrum (IgA). After being exposed to viruses or bacteria, your body builds antibodies, which are found in the milk and boosts immunity!

IgA protects against infection by forming a barrier in the baby’s nose, throat, and digestive tract.  Formula feed can’t do this.

According to several studies, babies not breastfed are more susceptible to infections, diarrhea, and health problems like pneumonia, asthma, fever.

  • A baby’s healthy weight is maintained by breast milk.

Breastfeeding aids in preventing childhood obesity and encourages ideal weight gain.

One study found that breastfeeding for more than four months significantly reduced the risk of an overweight or obese child. Breastfed infants had higher levels of the beneficial gut, which may affect how fat is stored.

Breastfed babies have higher levels of leptin( a hormone responsible for controlling hunger and fat accumulation) in their bodies than newborns who are fed formula. 

There are many additional benefits, like it helps reduce the chances of being susceptible to diseases.

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mothers 

  • Breastfeeding Might Aid in Weight Loss

Perhaps this is a phrase you’ve heard before. Some women appear to gain weight, while others may lose some KGs naturally while breastfeeding. In fact, breastfeeding burns more calories, says most Pediatrician doctors. Compared to non-lactating mothers, you’ll probably notice some loss of weight after three months of breastfeeding, according to a reliable source. 

  • Breastfeeding Stimulates Uterine Contractions

Women’s uterus increases significantly throughout pregnancy, going from the size of a pear to nearly taking up the entire area of your belly. Your uterus undergoes a process known as involution after delivery that aids in its return to its pre-pregnancy size. The pregnancy-related rise aids this process in the hormone oxytocin.

Your body releases a lot of oxytocin during labor to help with the birth and minimize bleeding. Oxytocin levels also rise as a result of breastfeeding, and it promotes uterine contractions and lessens bleeding, which aids in the uterus returning to its original size.

  • Helps Reduce Depression 

After giving delivery, a kind of depression known as postpartum depression (PPD) can strike.

Women who breastfeed tend to be less likely than mothers who wean early or stop breastfeeding to have postpartum depression, according to a 2012 study. Read more about Weaning

However, among women who suffer postpartum depression right after giving birth, breastfeeding challenges are more likely to manifest and endure for a shorter period. Inform your doctor as soon as you can if you experience any PPD symptoms.

  • Reduces Overall Expense

Breastfeeding is the most affordable option as it excludes the costs of breast pumps and any lactation consultations. If you decide to breastfeed your baby, you would not have to:

  • Purchase formula
  • Calculate the daily water intake for your infant
  • Spend time cleaning the bottles
  • Discover portable bottle-warming techniques. 


Benefits of breastfeeding are not hidden! Most health organizations and pediatrician doctors advise breastfeeding for up to 24 months, barring medical conditions that preclude it, due to its many advantages. Antibodies and other essential components in breast milk shield your infant from sickness and chronic disease. If you can, it’s the best start you can make. Whatever your decision, Ankura Hospitals can help you make the best choices and procedures.


Ankura Hospital
Author: Ankura Hospital

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