
Passing blood clots when not to your period

Passing blood clots when not to your period

When you have a period, passing blood clots might not be a cause for concern. However, passing sizable clots larger than a quarter or bleeding that saturates one or more tampons or pads hourly, or any bleeding occurring between periods, should prompt you to contact your healthcare provider. This article explains what passing blood clots when you’re not on your period might indicate, the causes of these clots, and why it’s important to see a doctor if you experience this symptom.

What Leads to Unusual Blood Clots Between Periods?

Hormonal imbalances: Perimenopause, the phase preceding menopause, and menopause, characterized by the cessation of periods for a year or more, can lead to irregular shedding of the uterine lining. This irregularity can lead to clotting and heavy bleeding.

Endometriosis: In this disorder, the endometrial tissue is located outside the uterus, often in organs like the ovaries. This can result in irregular menstrual cycles and the presence of blood clots resembling those seen in heavy periods.

Uterine fibroids: These benign growths form in or around the uterus and may lead to heavy or painful menstrual periods, along with the presence of blood clots.

Adenomyosis: This occurs when the endometrial tissue, which typically lines the uterus, penetrates and starts growing into the uterine wall. This can result in heavy menstrual flow and the formation of blood clots.

Uterine or cervical polyps: These are growths located on the uterus or in the cervical canal, which links the uterus to the vagina. They may cause heavy bleeding and clots.

Changes indicating precancerous conditions in the uterine lining: This encompasses situations like endometrial hyperplasia, where the uterine lining thickens excessively. This thickening can result in heavy menstrual bleeding and bleeding occurring between periods.

Cancer affecting the uterus or cervix: While less common, this remains a potential source of blood clots.

Anovulation: When ovulation doesn’t occur, the uterine lining may accumulate, leading to heavy menstrual bleeding. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent condition associated with this.

Pelvic inflammatory disease: This infection, which impacts the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes, can trigger bleeding between periods.

Miscarriage: Pregnancy loss can occur very early, possibly even before you realize you are pregnant. Clotting and bleeding are common indications of this.

Other health conditions: Hypothyroidism, where the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormone, and bleeding disorders can result in clotting and excessive bleeding.

Medications: Certain medications like hormonal birth control methods and intrauterine devices (especially copper IUDs) can induce abnormal uterine bleeding. 

Tests to Diagnose Conditions Related to Blood Clots

Blood test: This can be utilized to assess hormonal irregularities, blood clotting disorders, and low iron levels.

Pap test: A sample of cervical cells is collected through swabbing to identify any abnormal changes that could be responsible for heavy bleeding and/or clot formation.

Endometrial biopsy: This involves obtaining a sample of uterine tissue to examine for any abnormal cells.

Ultrasound: Using sound waves, this procedure evaluates blood flow and identifies fibroids or endometriosis within the uterus.


The underlying cause will determine the treatment for your blood clots, which could involve medication or surgery. The choice of medication may vary depending on why you’re passing blood clots and the specific condition. If you require the removal of polyps or fibroids, surgical intervention might be considered.


Blood clots occurring outside of your menstrual cycle can have various causes. However, some of these causes, such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, bleeding disorders, miscarriage, and cancer, can be serious, so it’s important to consult a healthcare provider.

Ankura Hospital
Author: Ankura Hospital

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