Toddlers' eating habits and How to feed them healthy.
Each child has a distinct personality, a mixture of intelligence, humour, attitude, flexibility, and general mood. Understanding your toddler’s personality type can give a lot of insight into his eating habits and nutrition needs.
Most parents are worried that their child isn’t eating enough. Unless they are ill, young children will never voluntarily starve themselves.
Toddlers need a variety of foods every day. Most of the children run behind chocolates and icreams or any sweet food in particular. Make sure to add fruit and vegetables, bread and cereals, meat, fish, chicken, eggs and legumes, and milk, cheese and yoghurt, for good health and growth. Avoid no-fat dairy products in this age group as they may limit the energy and nutrients needed for growth and development.
Common reasons why toddlers refuse to eat
- Filling up on drinks – particularly, sweet drinks or milk
- Being either too tired to eat or not preferring the food served at that meal
- Frequent snacking
Toddler Refusing to eat ( try the following )
- Stay Calm.
- Don’t force feed.
- Find out likes and dislikes
- Start small feed a little.
- Avoid distractions such as television.
- Offer healthy snacks
- Enjoy eating together

If you feel like something is wrong and your child seems to be inactive or less interested in activities which they usually like contact your paediatrician right away.