
Five warning signs that your child may have a Neurological disorder

Five warning signs that your child may have a Neurological disorder

Many children across the globe and in India itself suffer from neurological disorders. It’s unfortunate, that many-a-time parents may take the symptoms of neurological disorders as just another health condition, which may thus remain unidentified. These disorders or conditions involving the nervous system of the body need proper investigations and consultation with a Pediatric neurologist.

What are Neurological disorders?     

Neurological disorders are conditions that affect the nervous system of the body.

But what is Nervous System?

Many children across the globe and in India itself suffer from neurological disorders. It’s unfortunate, that many-a-time parents may take the symptoms of neurological disorders as just another health condition, which may thus remain unidentified. These disorders or conditions involving the nervous system of the body need proper investigations and consultation with a Pediatric neurologist.

What are Neurological disorders?     

Neurological disorders are conditions that affect the nervous system of the body.

But what is Nervous System?

The nervous system is like a complex wired network inside the body that makes you do big and small things, ranging from body movement to vision, and breathing. The heart beats because of the nervous system and we think, swallow, and sleep because of it too. These are just a few examples from an endless list that our nervous system does. Its like the main power station of the body from which current flows through entire body.

The central nervous system: comprises of the brain and the spinal cord from where the nerves are sent to various parts of the body.

The peripheral nervous system: includes the various nerves that branch into millions and reach all portions of the body. It is by the signals that these nerves send to our body that we are able to do our daily activities.

Neurological disorders result from abnormalities of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Since muscles receive signals to do a certain activity from these nerves, disorders of the nervous system affect the muscles as well. Depending on the part affected and the severity of the condition, the symptoms of neurological condition can vary. These disorders and conditions can range from migraines to major health issues.

What can cause Neurological disorders?

These disorders or conditions can be inherited or acquired after birth. to rule out a neurological disorder first because if delayed it can have serious consequences.

  • Abnormal muscle tone:For better understanding muscle tone refers to level of tightness in the muscles which can be known by the ease of movements across the joints. If the muscle tone of a child is abnormal then it can indicate a neurological disorder. In such a case the muscle of one or more regions can be loose or tight, and the baby can be floppy or stiff. The babies may present with an abnormal tone at birth, or present with them later. In either case, if a parent notices an abnormality, then they should not ignore it or try home remedies; a pediatric neurologist should be consulted at the earliest. Parents should also look for abnormalities in muscle coordination in children, for example, unusual walking patterns.
  • Child unlearns what they learned previously: After a baby is born, the most exciting part is noticing them develop and learn one skill at a time. From looking into your eyes to eating, walking, or speaking, it is gradually over the months and years that the child touches various milestones. In case you notice that your child suddenly loses a skill which they had learnt previously then it could be a warning sign of a neurological disorder. A parent should not ignore such a sign, or wait for the child to demonstrate the skill again. Instead, a Pediatric neurologist should be consulted at the earliest.

Seizures: One of the most evident signs of neurological disorders is seizures, or fits. Seizures can be of various types and can most commonly be noticed as abnormal movements in the child; in the hands, the limbs, or the body. Apart from these parents can also suspect a seizure if a child has a staring spell, or a blackout all of a sudden (the child does not respond if you talk to them, or stares at a blank space for long). The seizure can be long-lasting or short-lasting, repetitive, or a single episode. In either case, a seizure or a fit should not be considered as just another health condition, and a pediatric neurologist should be consulted because it could be due to

By birth: In some cases, children may be born with neurological disorders. Children may get them genetically, or due to any specific concern during pregnancy. For example, Spina Bifida is a birth defect in which the baby’s spinal cord fails to develop properly. This defect occurs due to a deficiency of folic acid in pregnant women. Some neurological conditions also occur due to abnormal development of the nervous system.

Complications during birth: Brain asphyxia, or inadequate oxygen supply to the brain during birth is a serious complication. There are several reasons why a newborn can have brain asphyxia, and in case they do not receive immediate medical help it can result in brain damage.

Complications after birth and in childhood : Neurological disorders can be acquired after birth as well. Such disorders can develop due to serious infections, tumors, or trauma. Some genetic disorders can present at different ages as well. 

Are Neurological disorders common?

Yes, since neurological disorders encompass a wide range of conditions, they are common across the globe. Though some conditions may be more common than the rest. Also, some are preventable and others are not.

5 warning signs of Neurological disorders

Since the nervous system controls the entire body, the symptoms of neurological disorders can vary largely depending on the affected part. However, here are five signs that parents can easily identify and should not ignore if they notice them.

Delayed Developmental Milestones: This is the foremost sign in many children with neurological disorders. There is a set time range for developmental milestones in children. In case a child is not able to perform a certain activity despite crossing that time range then a neurological disorder can be suspected by the parents. This could be a delay in crawling, walking, sitting speech, etc. In some cases, parents may end up thinking that a child isn’t demonstrating a certain activity due to dietary insufficiency, or any other problem. However, instead of reasoning it at home or listening to unsolicited advice from near and dear ones, a doctor should be consulted an underlying neurological disorder. They can indicate a simple or to a very serious problem.

  • Sensory difficulties/Abnormal sensations: If your child has issues in vision, hearing, smell, touch, etc, then it could be indicative of a neurological disorder. If your child is old enough to report a problem and complain of persistent headache or dizziness, then this sign should also not be ignored. Headache with vomiting in a child should also warn a parent for an immediate consultation with a pediatric neurologist.                                   

No parent would ever want their child to have a neurological disorder. But in case a warning sign is noticed then it should not be ignored, because the earlier one detects and treats these disorders the better it is for the overall health and development of the child. Watch out for these signs and consult a pediatric neurologist if required for the best health of your children.

FAQs for Five Warning Signs Neurological Disorders in Children

Neurological disorders are conditions that affect the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord and nerves.

The nervous system is a complex network in the body that controls movement, vision, breathing and other essential functions.

Neurological disorders can be inherited or acquired due to complications during or after birth, infections, tumors or trauma.

Warning signs include delayed developmental milestones, sensory difficulties, abnormal muscle tone, unlearning previously acquired skills and seizures.

Consult a pediatric neurologist if you notice any warning signs of neurological disorders in your child, such as delayed milestones, sensory issues or abnormal movements. Early detection and treatment are crucial for better health outcomes.

Dr. Ramya Bandi
Author: Dr. Ramya Bandi

Consultant Pediatric Neurologist

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