
How to Deal With Insomnia During Pregnancy?

How to Deal With Insomnia During Pregnancy?

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects people worldwide. It refers to a condition in which a person is unable to sleep or stay asleep for a standard amount of time. The condition of insomnia can affect a person at any point of time in their life. Women who are in their pregnancy phase are particularly more prone to developing the condition of insomnia, this mainly occurs due to the physical and hormonal changes that occur in females’ bodies during pregnancy. 

This condition can hinder womens’ personal life in many ways, if not diagnosed at the right time this can also lead to severe other issues. Loss of sleep and improper sleep disorder may also impact mental and emotional health due to pregnancy insomnia. 

We, at Ankura Hospital, are specialized in pregnancy, childcare, and post-pregnancy aspects. We are equipped with futuristic elements that make the pregnancy journey and procedure more easy and hassle-free. We have professional doctors and medical staff to support you throughout the journey with our regular consultations and checkups. Get personalized advice on insomnia and how to manage it from our medical experts.

Here in this blog, we will be discussing the aspects of insomnia during pregnancy and the tips that can help manage this condition at the right time.

The Causes of Insomnia During Pregnancy

Pregnancy develops several visible and non-visible changes in a woman’s body. As the fetus grows, the body adapts itself to the size of the fetus. With time the woman’s body witnesses several hormonal and physical changes that hinder the sleep pattern. Several factors contribute to the development of insomnia.

Hormonal Changes

During pregnancy, the body experiences fluctuations in hormonal levels that comprise hormones, such as progesterone and estrogen. These factors impact the ongoing sleep pattern, resulting in conditions like fatigue and irritated behavior.


Physical Discomfort

As the fetus starts to expand or grow, the female body suffers significant changes. These changes can trigger emotional and mental health and develop a feeling of discomfort due to other physical impacts, such as back pain, leg cramps, and heartburn, which can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep.

Anxiety and Stress

Pregnancy is a moment of celebration and an exciting phase in the life of a female. Although, it is also concerned with several challenges and stressful times. Anxiety and stress-like feelings can arise, which can further impact the sleep schedule and vice versa. It is important to manage your stress and stay calm and relaxed.

Managing Insomnia During Pregnancy

The state of insomnia can be frustrating and challenging to manage, although it is not an illness and can be revived efficiently by adapting certain methods and introducing lifestyle changes.

Set a Sleep Routine

It is best to establish a regular sleep routine to help train the body to know when it is time to sleep. This further involves going to bed and waking up at the right and scheduled routine time. Also, try to avoid or limit caffeine, eat healthily, and try deep breathing exercises to relax your mind. 

Exercise Regularly

It is important to build a regular exercise routine as it can help in improving sleep quality by reducing stress and anxiety and promoting relaxation by increasing blood circulation. Although, consult doctors at modern maternity hospitals before proceeding with any exercise or asana. Pregnancy is a delicate time. Hence, each activity that you perform impacts your overall being.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga are proven to be the best ways to help improve the sleep cycle. This aids in calming the mind and also boosts the relaxation effects. These techniques are recommended to be performed during pregnancy as it is helpful in managing stress and anxiety.

Use Comfortable Sleep Aids

There are many sleep aids available, such as pregnancy pillows and mattresses, that are specifically designed to support the female body during her pregnancy. These help in reducing physical discomfort and aid a peaceful sleep schedule.

Consult With a Healthcare Provider

The first and most helpful tip is to speak to a modern maternity hospital healthcare provider, as they can provide guidance and proper methods to improve your sleeping pattern. They will provide you with extra care and helpful strategies to make the process easy and hassle-free.

How Ankura Hospital Can Make Your Pregnancy Journey Easy With Care?

Ankura Hospital is a trusted and reliable healthcare provider with professional medical experts to cater to your pregnancy experience with expert handling. We are specialized in child and maternity care with our group of professional gynecologists and pediatrics. Our hospitals are open round the clock for your assistance and convenience. 

Visit our branches and get more insights on pregnancy and the challenges that arrive during the different phases of pregnancy. Insomnia is one of the most common challenges of the pregnancy phase that facilitates the development of many other mental and emotional issues. The above-stated solutions for insomnia during pregnancy are the best to cater to a healthy sleeping schedule. Although, all these factors need to be confirmed and discussed with medical experts to acquire the optimum level of healing. Our modern maternity hospital provides the best care, consultation, and emergency services at our hospitals.

Ankura Hospital
Author: Ankura Hospital

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