
Covid-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy

Covid-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy

Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy 

Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy 

(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India)

  1. All individuals above 18 years of age including pregnant women are now eligible for Covid-19 vaccination. 
  2. Symptomatic pregnant women are at an increased risk of severe diseases and it might affect the foetus too. Hence, the Covid-19 vaccine is recommended for pregnant women. 
  3. Pregnant women at increased risk of Covid-19 complications include:
    • Older than 35 years of age
    • Obese
    • Have a pre-existing illness such as diabetes or high blood pressure 
    • Have a history of clotting in the limbs 
  4. Covid-19 increases the risk of: 
    • Pre-mature delivery 
    • Baby’s weight might be less than 2.5 kg 
    • In rare situations, the baby might die before birth 
  5. Covid-19 vaccine can be taken anytime during pregnancy and it should be taken at the earliest 
  6. In case a woman has been infected with COVID during the current pregnancy, then she should be vaccinated soon after delivery 
  7. COVID-19 is safe in pregnancy. Minor side effects like fever, pain at the site or feeling unwell for 1-3 days can occur. 
  8. The long-term adverse effects and safety of the vaccine for foetus and child is not yet established yet. 
Ankura Hospital
Author: Ankura Hospital

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