
Top Notch NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) Specialists in Kompally

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Dr. Viraraghavan V.R
Dr. Sunil M Vidap
Dr. Ashish Ragi Reddy


The entire delivery process can be very complex at times that can even bring about various changes in the bodies of the mother & child. During gestation, significant functions of the baby’s body like excretion, respiration, and protection are taken care of by the mother’s body. Many babies find it difficult to function independently after birth and require the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) support. Ankura Hospital provides the best NICU service in Kompally for all emergencies and complications after birth. 

Some of the reasons why babies get admitted to NICU are:

  1. Premature Delivery – The babies born well before the calculated due date or before 37 weeks of pregnancy need the support of the NICU for their development until they become capable of coping with the outside environment.
  2. Infection – Sepsis or infection is one of the major causes of neonatal deaths. Preterm babies are at a higher risk of infections than full-term babies. Such babies are often unable to fight off infections independently and get admitted to NICU for specialized treatment.
  3. Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is the most common respiratory problem in infants because of underdeveloped lungs. It can be treated in NICUs since advanced facilities like ventilators are available.
  4. Hypoglycemia – Newborns with low blood sugar levels or hypoglycemia require NICU support. 
  5. Maternal chorioamnionitis – It is the inflammation and infection of the placenta or umbilical cord or both, which occurs before or during labor. It puts the mother and the baby at high risk of infection, and hence they require a NICU facility.

Services at Ankura

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Ankura Hospital is one of the best-staffed and well-equipped units in Kompally. We provide Level III NICU and PICU services. Our expert team of medical professionals, neonatologists, and nurses are available 24×7 to provide extensive care for your newborn. The following is a list of facilities available in our setup:

  • Presence of a consultant at the hospital 24×7
  • A range of ventilators to provide a conventional and advanced type of respiratory support
  • Availability of inhaled nitric oxide
  • Total body servo cooling facility for neonatal Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE),
  • Ultrasound and functional echocardiography
  • Dedicated neurodevelopmental follow-up and rehabilitation services.

Our empathetic and highly trained neonatologists, pediatric surgeons, and nurses help take care of the newborn, giving parents the reassurance they need. Visit us for a consultation!


Newborn babies who need intensive medical care are often put in a special area of the hospital called the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The NICU has advanced technology and trained healthcare professionals to give special care for the tiniest patients.

There are many reasons why a baby needs the care of a Neonatal ICU.  Some babies are born early or premature so their lungs and other body systems are not fully developed. Babies may also require oxygen or special equipment to help them breathe. Premature babies may be too sick or immature to feed by breast or a bottle so an IV is needed until the baby is ready to begin feeding.  Full term babies can also have problems with their breathing or their blood sugar.  These babies also receive specialized treatments in the Neonatal ICU.

Yes, in the Neonatal ICU, we advocate breast feeding or breast milk pumping if your infant is too unwell or preterm to breastfeed. Your baby’s best food is breast milk. It’s made precisely for your kid, regardless of gestational age, term or early birth. Pumping and storing pumped milk for your newborn in the Neonatal ICU can be done with the help of your nurse and lactation experts. Although freshly produced milk is preferred, the Neonatal ICU has a refrigerator where you can store milk that you have pumped.

With routine newborn care, skin to skin bonding (Kangaroo care), and breastfeeding, parents are encouraged to participate as much as possible in their baby’s care.

Even before they are born, a baby’s first sense is touch. Skin to skin refers to the natural procedure of a baby being placed on the mother’s bare chest while wearing just a diaper. It is highly recommended for Neonatal ICU babies once they are well enough to be handled. During skin to skin, both mom and baby go through a lot of hormonal changes. The natural relationship between you and your kid is strengthened through skin-to-skin contact. Your breathing and heart rate actually assist your baby in maintaining a consistent heart rate and breathing. Kangaroo care also causes a mother’s body temperature to rise in order to keep the infant warm. By boosting the hormones that affect lactation, skin to skin can also help a mother produce more breast milk.

The first hour of life for a very low birth weight baby is often called “the golden hour” because it’s so important to a premature baby’s future. The level of care that a baby receives in the first hour of life will determine how that baby does for the rest of its life. There are many studies that show that babies born at the highest-level center have much better outcomes. If you’re having a premature baby, you want to have that baby at the highest-level center available.

High-frequency ventilation and nitric oxide, used in combination, can reduce the likelihood that more dangerous and expensive treatments will be needed for critically ill, full-term babies. In addition, high-frequency ventilation reduces the risks of ventilator-induced lung injury in small premature babies, leading to better survival and outcomes in our youngest and smallest infants.

Discharge planners provide education to the parents of all NICU infants. We know that training makes a big difference in a family’s ability to meet the needs of a fragile infant. After discharge, we call every family to ensure the transition from hospital to home has gone smoothly.

ICU expands as Intensive Care Units. These care units are designed to cater to critically ill adults. Similarly, there are neonatal intensive care units called NICU. These are units specially and carefully designed to cater to the needs of newborn babies who need critical treatment.

It is always preferable to have your child delivered at a hospital with a NICU facility so that in the event of any issues during delivery, you may be assured of excellent medical care for your newborn child. Moving them out of the hospital is always risky and should be approached with caution.

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