What is Puberty?
Puberty” is a time when your body starts changing from that of a child to a grown-up.
Why am I undergoing so many changes in my body all of a sudden?
The changes that you can sense in your body are due to puberty. Some of these changes include growing taller or gaining more weight, developing hair under the arms or in the pubic area, sweating more, breasts getting larger, widening of hips, getting your first periods, developing pimples/spots,or feeling unusually emotional.
All of these changes are completely normal and are seen in every girl at puberty. However, each girl grows physically or mentally at her own pace; while some girls mature physically early, others may take more time.
What are Periods?
Periods refer to the monthly shedding of the uterine lining in girls who have reached puberty. Theyare a part of a menstrual cycle that goes on in a girl’s body each month. With the shedding of the uterine lining, menstrual blood flows out of the body through a small opening called vagina. Periods start in girls at puberty due to the many hormonal changes in the body, and continue each month till she reaches a certain age. The first period that the girl gets is called Menarche, and the end of the menstrual cycle in women at later stages of life is called Menopause. Below are some interesting facts:
– The age at which a girl starts her first period (8-18, but usually 10-16 years)
– The age at which a woman stops menstruating- menopause (40-55 years)
– Length of bleed during periods (2-10 days)
– Length of each menstrual cycle or interval between monthly bleeds (28 days but maybe 3-6 weeks)
Why do I experience pain and mood changes during periods?
Many girls experience stomach cramps, bloating, backache, headache, tiredness, mood changes, and breast tenderness during periods. All these changes are normal and they occur because of hormonal changes. You can relax by massaging or applying a warm compress over the tummy or back, or taking painkillers as per doctor’s prescription.
What are the different products available that I can use during periods?
You can choose between sanitary pads, cloth pads, or tampons as per your convenience. It is important to remember that whichever material is used, it should be changed regularly (at least every 4-6 hours) and reusable items must be thoroughly washed and sun-dried.
What basic hygiene should I follow during periods?
Menstrual hygiene is very important to avoid infections. During periods, girls should ensure to take a bath every day and clean the vaginal area 3-4 times daily. As soaps can cause irritation, clean plain water is recommended to wash the vaginal area at every toilet visit. Girls should wear comfortable cotton undergarments and change them every day. At times, rashes may appear due to friction between the pads and the skin, in such a case stay clean and dry, change pads frequently, and apply an antiseptic ointment.
Always be prepared. Carry a pad in your bag when your periods are around. You canalso carry an extra undergarment on your period days for emergency purposes
When do I need to see a doctor?
- If you have severe pain or very heavy bleeding during your periods
- If you have bleeding for more than 7 days
- If you haven’t had your period for more than 90 days after the previous period
- If you have bleeding or smelly yellow discharge in between periods
- If you have irregular cycles (length of cycle less than 21 days or more than 45 days) – more frequent or less frequent cycles
- If you experience weight gain, with pimples and increased hair growth over your face and body
- If you have not got your first period by 15 years of age
- If you have developed signs of puberty earlier than 8 years of age
- Busting common myths around periods :
There are many myths and cultural taboos surrounding periods. Please get these facts right.
- You can exercise regularly during periods if you feel like.
- You must take a bath daily and stay clean and dry.
- You must eat a healthy balanced diet. There are no food restrictions.
- Every girl has a different length of cycle and different duration of bleed. Do not compare your periods with your friends. You can see your doctor if you feel there’s a problem.
- Having your period doesn’t make you unclean and you can carry out all your routine activities as usual.
- It is normal to feel an array of emotions during your periods; you may feel angry, sad, lonely, grumpy, or tired. Your hormones make you feel that way. Don’t overthink about why you have those emotions and try to relax.
- You must not feel shy to discuss your health/ period issues with your mother/friend/ teacher as and when needed.

Author: Dr. Mounica Reddy Mandadi
Consultant Pediatric Endocrinologist and Diabetologist